

英漢字典: go up

1. rise升起

    The smoke went up. 煙串上來了。

    Many people came to watch the balloon go up. 許多人來看汽球升空。

2. rise;increase;improve(物價)上漲;提高;增加

    Butter's going up again next week. 奶油下星期又要漲價了。

    Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up. 水果和蔬菜的價格已經上漲了。

    He has gone up in my estimation since he did that. 自從他做了那件事以後,他在我心目中的威信提高了。

    The goods have gone up in quality. 這些貨的質量提高了。

3. be built;be erected;be put up被建造起來;被公布

    Supermarkets are going up everywhere. 到處都建起了超級市場。

    Tall buildings are rapidly up along the new road leading to the downtown area. 通往市中心的新公路兩旁,迅速矗立起了一座座高樓大廈。

    Placards declaring new regulations were going up. 宣布新規定的公告張貼出來了。

4. explode;be destroyed by explosion爆炸;炸毀

    The bomb went up,killing two people. 炸彈爆炸了,炸死兩人。

5. be able to become heard;become loud or louder使能聽見;聲音變大

    A shout went up from the crowd at the game. 比賽時人群在高聲助威吶喊。

    A cheer went up in the auditorium. 禮堂裡響起一陣陣歡呼聲。

6. become bankrupt破產

    Inflation was so bad that many firms went up. 通貨膨脹十分嚴重,以致于許多公司破產了。

7. enter(university)入學(大學)

    He went up to Cambridge in 1980. 他198O年進入劍橋大學學習。

    When are you going up?你什麼時候進大學?

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